Started in one of the transit campuses of the University in 2010, the Department of Physics, since then has established itself as a vibrant department of the University with more than 450 publications in Journals of international repute, and has the highest number of Ph.D. students in the University. Relocated to the permanent campus of Central University of Kerala in Periye in 2018, the department has secured the prestigious FIST grant of DST, Govt. of India in 2020 and is presently on the path of rapid progress. We have at present well-facilitated labs for materials preparation and characterization, thin film deposition, and computational research.
Our M.Sc programme has been remodelled recently in tune with the National Education Policy 2020 of Govt. of India. The department focuses on Condensed matter physics (theory and experiment) Nuclear physics, and Cosmology & Astrophysics. About 20-30% of our M.Sc students qualify national level examinations such as CSIR-JRF/UGC and progress to research positions in IITs, IISERs and various national and international institutions. All members of the faculty have several years of research experience from International Universities and are leading active research groups in their own areas of expertise. The department has an overall h-index of 10-61 and an i10 index of 10 -126.
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