Periye: Yelloji Rao K Mirajkar, Former Senior Technical Associate, Global Fragrance R&D Division, Colgate-Palmolive Company, USA, Convener, Global Indian Scientists and Technocrats Forum, USA, Member, Advisory Council, Hindu University of America said that quality management and operations in educational and professional institutions will elevate organizations globally. He was speaking in the programme on 'Professional Development Programme on Enhancing Quality of University Education' organized by the Department of Commerce and International Business, School of Business Studies, in association with the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), CUK.
Dr Yelloji Rao discussed the various measures taken by the global corporations to enhance quality of the products and services. He said that the educational institutions have greater role to play in the years to come and they have to learn quality lessons from the global practices. He also pointed out that the relationship between safety and quality is important and that institutions will have to pay a heavy price if they sacrifice the safety and quality. He cited the examples of how some of the companies had to close down their operations for compromising on the quality. He said that companies take care of their employees, processes, and stakeholders. He emphasized that regulators play a significant role in ensuring that the safety and quality is not compromised by the global corporations. He explained how the global corporations have transitioned from the family owned businesses to the MNCs.
The programme was inaugurated by Dr. M K Sridhar, member of University Grants Commission (UGC), New Delhi and Executive Council (EC) member of the Central University of Kerala. He spoke about the relevance of practices for the Universities in the present competitive era. He emphasized that the quality control policies of the companies have relevance in maintaining the quality in the Universities today. He said that the National Education Policy has relevance in the current context of maintaining quality in higher education. He also emphasized that the students and teachers have a greater role to play in enhancing the quality of universities.
Prof. T Mallikarjunappa, Head of the Department of Commerce and International Business, Welcomed the guests and the participants. Prof. V Balachandran, Dean, School of Business Studies, Dr. Rajesh R, IQAC Director, Prof. M S John, NAAC Coordinator offered felicitations. Mr. Nagaraj Sharma, Guest faculty, Department of MBA (Tourism), School of Business Studies, conveyed the vote of thanks.