If global conditions are favourable, India will become a developed country by 2047: Prof. M. Suresh Babu

Periya: IIT Madras Professor Dr. M. Suresh Babu opined that if the global conditions are favourable, India will become a developed country by 2047. He was speaking at a lecture organized in memory of Dr. Shibu Sivaraman under the joint auspices of the Department of Economics, the Economics Department Alumni Association and the Kerala Economic Association. Globally prevailing social inequality, climate change, food shortages and inflation are holding back India's growth. Along with that, the intrusion of China can become an opportunity and a threat to India's growth, he pointed out. Kerala Economic Association (KEA) Kannur Regional Chapter was also inaugurated during the event. The event was inaugurated by Vice Chancellor (i/c) Prof. K.C. Baiju. Prof. D. Swamikannan, Head of the Department of Economics presided over the event. KEA Regional President Prof. Hari Kurup K.K and State Treasurer Prof. Godwin S.K spoke during the event. Bennet Thomas, President, Alumni Association and KEA State Executive Member, welcomed. KEA State Executive Member and Alumni Coordinator, Dr. Syam Prasad delivered the vote of thanks.