Central University of Kerala hosts DST SERB’S SSR activity by inviting students from Christ CMI Public School

Twenty students from class 12 of Christ CMI Public School, Kahnangad were invited to the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (BCMB) for Scientific Social Responsibility (SSR) activity. Demonstration and skill training were given to students in PCR, DNA gel electrophoresis, bright field and fluorescent microscopy. A short session on career counselling were conducted in addition to lab tour. Vice Chancellor (i/c) Prof. K.C. Baiju and Registrar Dr. M. Muralidharan Nambiar interacted with the students and wished them success. The program was coordinated by Dr.Thejaswini V (Principal Investigator of the DST grant) and Mr. Muhammed Shalid PK, faculty at Christ CMI school with Prof. Aswati Nair, HoD of BCMB, Dr. Gurushankara H.P, RDC and Dr. Ajay Kumar (Co investigator of the DST grant).