The Central University of Kerala develops methods for the recognition of visual speech in Malayalam.

The Central University of Kerala develops methods for the recognition of visual speech in Malayalam.  
A research team from the Department of Computer Science including Shabina Bhaskar, a research scholar under the guidance of Dr. Thasleema T.M. have developed algorithms for visual speech recognition in Malayalam using convolution neural networks to recognize the speech of a hearing-impaired person.  The work is accepted for presentation for at  Jan Wyzykowski University, Poland in the  Indo-European 2nd International Conference on Data Analytics and Management (ICDAM 2021) jointly organized by Jan Wyzykowski University, IIS Jaipur, and Panipat Institute of Engineering, Haryana, and is scheduled for June 26th, 2021.   The selected paper is one of the best twenty papers reviewed in the conference.  The research team has been working in the area of visual speech recognition for the past 3 years.    The Department of Computer Science is also involved in other research areas including hand gesture recognition for hearing impaired and epileptic seizure predictions.  There are great opportunities for students to do Ph.D. in Intelligent Systems with a focus on solving societal problems.