Talk and discussion on "Menstruation & Menstrual Hygiene" BREAKING THE BLOODY TABOO

Dear Sir/ Madam, 

Greetings from the department of Social Work, Central University  of Kerala. 

 Menstruation is not a problem, poor menstrual hygiene is. It is important to normalise menstruation and break taboos around this biological process. Talking is all it takes to begin a transformation and it's time. 

In this context, MSW students of Central University of Kerala,  in collaboration with MIRROR  (Making Innovative & Realistic Reflections of Our Resources) and NSS unit 1 is conducting a talk and discussion on

 "Menstruation & Menstrual Hygiene" BREAKING THE BLOODY TABOO

Resource Person: 

Ms Babitha. PS

Co-founder, Sustainable Menstruation Kerala Collective

       Date: 7th August 2021, Saturday

       Time: 6 pm - 8 pm

Platform:  Google meet



With Regards, 

Anusree P 

Rejaz M Sydeek