NSS Cell of Central University of Kerala celebrated Constitution Day by conducting a Pledge Taking Ceremony - Read the Preamble.

NSS Cell of Central University of Kerala celebrated Constitution Day by conducting a Pledge Taking  Ceremony - Read the Preamble. The Preamble was read in different languages like English, Hindi, Telugu, Malayalam, Maratha, Odiya, Assamese , Bengali, Punjabi, Kannada, Dongri which depicts the diversity of CUK family. Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor Prof. H. Venkateshwarlu presided over the Ceremony. Faculties and students showed their respect to Constitution of India. Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor addressed the gathering and insisted in attaining Paripoornatha- Completeness in serving the society. Dr. Ranjith Kumavath ( NSS Coordinator – CUKerala)  delivered the welcome note and Dr. S. Anbazhagi (NSS Programme Officer) expressed Vote of thanks.