Five Days Faculty Development Program on Artificial Intelligence during 21 - 25 February 2022 supported by AICTE Training and Learning(ATAL) Academy and IEEE Malabar Sub Section

Dear Madam/Sir,


Greetings from the Department of Computer Science, CUK !!!

The Department of Computer Science, Central University of Kerala is organizing Five Days Faculty Development Program on Artificial Intelligence during 21 - 25 February 2022  supported by AICTE Training and Learning(ATAL) Academy and IEEE Malabar Sub Section. The workshop aims to bring researchers, academics, and industry personnel into a common online platform in order to discuss the innovative and advanced research and development activities together with challenges involved in the area of Artificial Intelligence. This program will feature invited plenary talks and hands-on sessions by renowned personalities in the areas of Artificial Intelligence,  Machine Learning, Neural Network Theory & Applications, and others. On behalf of the Department of Computer Science, I cordially invite you for the inaugural session on 21 February 2022 at 10.00 am using the following Google Meet link. 


Please mark your presence on the link provided below.


Kindly accept our invitation. 


The brochure is attached herewith for your reference.


with best regards



Organizing Secretary